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Announcement of “N.S. Hema Award for Outstanding NGO in Disability sector in Karnataka”

Association of People with Disability invites applications for the N.S Hema Memorial Award for ‘Outstanding NGO’ in the disability sector, in Karnataka.

This award is instituted by the Association of People with Disability (APD) in memory of its founder N.S Hema, who established the organization in 1959.

About APD and its founder Hema: Annually, APD works with 20,000 People with Disabilities (PwD) across 8 districts of Karnataka and is a Resource Support Organization to many NGOs.  It also facilitated setting up the Disability Network Alliance, a platform for about 100 NGOs.

N.S.Hema was severely afflicted with polio at a very young age. It was her dream and life’s mission to ensure quality in the lives of persons with disability and promote inclusion in society. Hema’s vision, mission and commitment led to the growth of APD as a renowned NGO for Early Intervention, Rehabilitation, Education and Livelihoods for People with Disabilities.

She lived her dream and passed away on 8th April 2016.

Why the Award? Good work and recognition must go hand in hand.

The Governing Board of APD has instituted the ‘N.S Hema Memorial Award’ to recognize and promote people and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) working in the disability sector. This sector is considered a low dividend and low priority by many. APD believes that their own work has transformed the lives of people, community and the society as a whole.  This Award is to recognize outstanding work of Karnataka based NGOs.

About the Award: The “N.S. Hema Award for Outstanding NGO in Disability sector in Karnataka” will be an annual feature, to be held on the Founder’s Day,  4th October, being Hema’s birthday.  The Award will go to one NGO which is doing excellent work in the field of disability in Karnataka for the last 3 years and will consist of  RS.1,00,000/- and citation. The awardee will be chosen by a panel of competent Jurors consisting of people from the Disability and Development sector. The Award will be given away on 4th October, 2017. This will be a great opportunity and honour for NGOs working in the field of Disability, in Karnataka.


Eligibility Criteria: 

1.       Completion of minimum of 3 years as of 1 April, 2017. and Registered as a not for profit organization, only as Society/Trust/Company.

2         Compliance to Statutory requirement as a NGO

3.       Working in the disability (as defined by RPD Act, 2016 )sector for 3 years in Karnataka

Award’s Criteria: Spread and Depth:  Example Geographically, types and severity of disability that the organization is dealing with, different types of programs and the projects that the organization is managing, its longevity, and the reach in terms of numbers of beneficiaries.

1.       Potential  - Relevance of the work done  in terms of need of the sector and capacity to deliver

2.       Resilience and Sustainability

3.       Innovation

4.       Credibility of the Organization

Why you should participate:


·         Recognition (Cash price, citation or certificate, trophy)

·         Opportunity to interact / interface with eminent experts during selection process

·         Mentoring and advice from Disability NGO Alliance

·         Publicity and media attention during the felicitation function

We hope that this Award will encourage you to showcase your work and draw inspiration from one another. We look forward to your application for the Award in the attached Application Form. The last day for Application is 30 July, 2017. Contact us at nshemaaward@apd-india.org or call Mr. Daniel E James, on Phone No. 080-25489594/080-25470390 for more details.